23 March 2013


Top: H&M / Shorts: Nordstrom / Boots: Steve Madden / Bag: AE / Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren / Necklace: thrifted

 Don't be fooled - this is definitely not the weather in Boston right now.  These are a couple pics from my trip to Florida that I figured I may as well put up, then pine over how much I wish Boston did not have snow in its forecast.  Yeah, that's right.  More snow.  It is almost April, right?  We're not all off a month?  Because I'm sure finding it hard to believe that it's actually spring.

On the plus side, my friend Kelly is coming to Boston today!  I've mentioned her before - she's a friend I met in London who took all of my outfit pics over there.  She's an incredible photographer and awesome person all around!  So cheerio, chaps, we're gonna go take Boston by storm today.
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