21 February 2013

welcome to Avenue Q!

Tonight was opening night of Avenue Q!  It went pretty well - a few cues on my end that needed editing but wow my cast and crew nailed it tonight!  I am honestly so proud of this show.  I am extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to be where I am, stage managing this show, because this will be my last one with the Performing Arts Office before I graduate and move on to other things in other places.  And I am so blessed to be a part of a show that is really a great piece of theatre, and so much fun!  Seriously, y'all, this show is SO much fun!

I'll let the photos speak for themselves, and also, below is a video that shows a time lapse of our awesome set being built.  Our hard-working cast and crew, combined with students from the PAO spent literally all of last weekend loading in this set and building from the ground up, and a camera set up in the balcony took a photo every 5 minutes, which was strung together to make this awesome video....

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