I think the appeal lies in answering questions I might not have thought of before, and possibly discovering something about myself. Or even looking back on these in the future and seeing if and how things have changed, or how I have changed. Not to mention, it's a way to connect with others, like an icebreaker game at a party (I love those, too.). So without further ado, here are a few little holiday-related tidbits about me...
1. What are your top 5 favorite movies to watch during the holidays?
- Love Actually (Favorite by far, I'll admit to watching this in July. Because, Alan Rickman. And Emma Thompson. And Hugh Grant. AND Mr. Bean! I mean really, there are too many reasons... it's a separate post/essay.)
- A Christmas Story (A family tradition of ours, I was raised watching this after Thanksgiving dinner every year, and it gets laughs from the whole family every time.)
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Both versions!)
- The Holiday (Because I love Kate Winslet, because I want to live in that little English cottage, and because Jude Law has never been hotter.)
- A Charlie Brown Christmas (Again, a tradition. A childhood favorite that has kept its spot on this list through the years.)
2. It's the month of giving thanks, what are you most thankful for?
This year has been the best year of my life, and I'm so grateful for so many things, but if I had to boil it down, this says it all.
3. If there was a quote or verse to describe your life, what would it be?
I've always loved and lived by the saying "Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." But I've found that I get so wrapped up in making my dreams a reality that I sometimes miss the present moments passing by. If there's one thing this year that I've changed, it's embracing each moment, so that when they do become memory, I don't forget or regret any part of it.
4. Who in your family are you most like?
This is a tough one to answer. I've been thinking about it, and to be honest, I'm a complete mix of people. Always have been, really. So without going into detail (which could take a while), I'll just say that I think I'm more like my mom's side of the family, generally speaking.
5. What's your favorite drink order at Starbucks?
Because I work at Starbucks, I can't answer this question with just one drink. So, I'm going to stick with a holiday theme and go with my trio of preferred holiday beverages.
1. Pumpkin Spice Latte - my go to drink from the time it becomes available until the other holiday drinks arrive in November. One of the only drinks I will take whipped cream on.
2. Peppermint Mocha - Grande, quad shot, two pumps each syrup, no whip, extra foam, please. The holiday beverage I tend to opt for most often around the holidays, and even sometimes throughout the year.
3. Gingerbread Latte - Sometimes, when I don't want a peppermint mocha, I'll go for a gingerbread latte, because sometimes you just gotta switch it up. Also, yum. Again, one of the only drinks I'll order with whipped cream.