23 October 2012

Norway part two: Oklungen and the family

After exploring Oslo on Friday, my friends and I took the train southwards to Porsgrunn, where my family picked us up and drove us into Oklungen, the town where they live.  Over the next two days, we wandered around the town, visited various family members, ate delicious home-cooked meals at my aunt and uncle's house, chilled at the house we were very fortunate to have to ourselves, and hung out with my awesome Norwegian cousin.

It was so wonderful to be in an actual house, eating actual home cooked meals, and being around actual family!  I can't even begin to tell you guys how refreshing it felt.

Leaving was one of the hardest things.  Every time I leave Norway, I never feel like I'm going home - I always feel like I'm leaving home.  And in a lot of ways, I am.  I already can't wait to go back, whenever that'll be.... but it'll definitely be in the summer next time!  My family tells me that's the best time to go, so that's when I'll be there.
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