29 August 2012

we're in London, baby!

Get on a plane at seven in the evening in Seattle, and eight hours later you're in London, it's noon, and the night has been sped through so quickly it's like time travel.  In fact, it is time travel.  I'm convinced.

We arrived in London today!!

Here begins the rest of my fall, and very nearly the rest of my year.  My dad, sister, and I spent today getting settled into the hotel, taking quick naps, and then walking along Cromwell Street to Harrods and back.  I was the epitome of tourist - speaking in a posh British accent on and off, taking photos of everything, hopping in and out of red phone booths, and ogling all the cabs and double decker buses {as if I'd never seen one before... obviously I have, though not the British ones}.  I figure I have the next sixteen weeks to be a bit cooler and less touristy, so what's the harm in going all out on the first day, right?

Tomorrow is move-in day, and while I'm soooo ready to just get all settled in to my living situation and make it feel like home, I'm also quite nervous.  You see, we don't know who our roommates are in advance {or if we even have one, or if we have two} and we didn't fill out one of those questionnaires that are so common at American universities.  You know, the ones that ask when you go to bed, when you wake up, what music you like, etc.  So this person {these people?} could very well be my new best friend or someone I don't get along with at all.  We will see, we will see...  Anyway, like I said, nervous.
I'll be back with an update.
Hopefully a good one.
I'm staying positive, and keeping an open mind.
That's the key.
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