28 August 2012

the final night

The afternoon was spent packing using countless drafts of packing lists {I'm determined to do this with a high level of organization}, much trying on of clothes, and indecisive movement of clothes in and out of my closet.  The evening was then spent at Cactus on Alki Beach, drinking prickly pear mojitos, eating a ton of chips and salsa, and watching the sunset over the Sound with some of my favorite people from Starbucks.  All in all a wonderful end to a final day in Seattle.

I'm feeling kind of zen at this point, because I am comfortable under the knowledge that I should be able to stay employed at Starbucks while abroad, and because the packing process has proved much easier that I originally thought it would be.  Also, that I don't need a visa.  Now THAT would cause me to freak out.  Talk about stressful.

Tomorrow I leave for London.

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