Even though I wasn't able to be home for the actual 4th of July, there was no chance in hell that I was going to miss out on a chance to go back to Seattle, up to the boat in Roche Harbor, and see all my friends and the family members who flew in from all around the world (literally as far as Malaysia). So after working close on July 4th, I caught the first plane out in the wee hours of the next morning and made it back to Seattle and up to the San Juans by about 3 in the afternoon on the 5th. Totally worth it. While sometimes family vacations are highly overrated, and this one certainly was no exception at times, it really was a great time being able to see all my family members, visit the boat that my sister and I grew up visiting and learning to sail on, go walking through the woods and exploring, going out for a spin on the water in the Green Machine (our smaller motorboat), and eating ice cream cones every night while watching the retiring of the flags at sundown.
Even though I missed the 4th of July at Roche Harbor and all the festivities (games, competitions, races, etc.), I know my family kicked some serious butt. My uncle won his age division in the 5k, my cousin Zoe competed in the donut eating contest, my mom and little cousin Max competed in the blindfolded dinghy race, and much more. And best of all, they did it in the family team jerseys I, in cahoots with my aunt, designed and had made for the events. My grandma's nickname is Bunny, called Bun by my grandpa, and my grandpa's name is Terry, who my grandma refers to as Terr. So, we were Bun's Terrors! Everyone had a jersey, and we left the year off the date so we can reuse them in years to come. Nerdy, I know. But also awesome. Everyone was jealous. :p
I had such a great time in Roche Harbor for those three days, and then spent another three down in Seattle, seeing all my other family members and friends. Somehow, despite only having such a short time at home, I managed to see just about everyone. It was so, so nice to be home!