02 July 2014
Last week was quite eventful. Aside from a full work week, we went for a random and impromptu night out on Wednesday after work, then Friday was my birthday, which was filled with skydiving (I completed my first level of AFF - getting my skydiving certification), going out for food and drinks with some coworkers, then celebrating in downtown Orlando until the early morning hours. Needless to say, by the time Saturday rolled around, I was in need of a day off. Having spent the night in Orlando, I decided to take a "me day" and go out and explore.
Days like Saturday remind me that we generally don't recognize the value in going out and doing things by ourselves. That day, I went out with just my camera and a book - I ate alone at a restaurant and read a few chapters, I walked for several miles around a part of Orlando that I hadn't explored before, I took the opportunity to practice my photography, a hobby I enjoy which has been regrettably neglected over the past month or so, and I discovered a new place to save for another day of exploration. It was the first time since I was abroad that I took the whole day to go out and do things alone, and I had forgotten how liberating, peaceful, and fun it can be. I felt recharged. I wish more people would force themselves to go out and spend a day alone - not alone at home watching Netflix (not that there's anything wrong with that - it can be a great thing), but out by themselves doing things they might not normally do unless they had someone to go with them, because it's really not awkward unless you make it that way.
**It should be noted that Trader Joe's officially opened their Orlando location ON my birthday. Best surprise birthday occurrence! You best believe I got a piece of that action.