22 January 2014

TARTAN AND EMBELLISHMENT (or for a less descriptive and formal title, OMG AN OUTFIT POST)

This post could also be titled "LIVING UP TO MY BLOG'S NAME FINALLY BECAUSE WHERE THE HELL IS THE WHOLE STYLE ASPECT, MELANIE???"  Basically I got dressed today and then decided to put on lipstick, and immediately felt super fancy, so I was like "Hey Suze (sister), let's take a couple outfit pictures before we head out because I feel like I look as though I actually made some effort!"  In reality, I don't know if you could call it effort because all I did was add red lipstick, and I mean, that's a surefire way to make anything somewhat posh.  Oh god, I actually just used the word posh.  Even when I was in England, I didn't really use that word at all.

But hey, speaking of posh, how about that scrolling navigation bar at the top, eh??  (Aaaaand now I'm Canadian... eh?)  I feel as though it's quite fancy.  Major improvement methinks.  I'd like to thank Google for being able to provide any how-to one could possibly think of.  I'll have you know that as soon as I said that just there, I went to Google and typed in "how to" and the first three options to come up in the suggestions list were tie a tie (normal), cook a wolf (WTF?), and boil eggs (normal).  So you see, if Google can provide a how to on how to cook a wolf, I'm pretty sure you can find just about anything on there.  But I digress from the point that I'm not sure I ever had.  Thanks, brain.

In just less than two weeks, I'm moving to Florida!  So all that grey in my pictures here will be replaced with sunshine-y warm weather, trees that are actually green and palm-y, and most likely a scampering pup in the backgrounds... or foregrounds, because he's never been one to not insist on being center of attention.  In fact, this may just become a dog blog for three months.  That's okay right?

BTW, pat on the back for wearing grey, self, because that's what we need more of in Seattle.

Jacket - New Look
Sweater - Topshop (sold out - other colors)
Pants - Mango (sale!)
Flats - Madewell
Lips - MAC "Russian Red"

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