This post could also be titled "LIVING UP TO MY BLOG'S NAME FINALLY BECAUSE WHERE THE HELL IS THE WHOLE STYLE ASPECT, MELANIE???" Basically I got dressed today and then decided to put on lipstick, and immediately felt super fancy, so I was like "Hey Suze (sister), let's take a couple outfit pictures before we head out because I feel like I look as though I actually made some effort!" In reality, I don't know if you could call it effort because all I did was add red lipstick, and I mean, that's a surefire way to make anything somewhat posh. Oh god, I actually just used the word posh. Even when I was in England, I didn't really use that word at all.
But hey, speaking of posh, how about that scrolling navigation bar at the top, eh?? (Aaaaand now I'm Canadian... eh?) I feel as though it's quite fancy. Major improvement methinks. I'd like to thank Google for being able to provide any how-to one could possibly think of. I'll have you know that as soon as I said that just there, I went to Google and typed in "how to" and the first three options to come up in the suggestions list were tie a tie (normal), cook a wolf (WTF?), and boil eggs (normal). So you see, if Google can provide a how to on how to cook a wolf, I'm pretty sure you can find just about anything on there. But I digress from the point that I'm not sure I ever had. Thanks, brain.
In just less than two weeks, I'm moving to Florida! So all that grey in my pictures here will be replaced with sunshine-y warm weather, trees that are actually green and palm-y, and most likely a scampering pup in the backgrounds... or foregrounds, because he's never been one to not insist on being center of attention. In fact, this may just become a dog blog for three months. That's okay right?
BTW, pat on the back for wearing grey, self, because that's what we need more of in Seattle.
Jacket - New Look
Sweater - Topshop (sold out - other colors)
Pants - Mango (sale!)
Flats - Madewell
Lips - MAC "Russian Red"