30 November 2013


I'm going to make this somewhat brief and to the point, because I'll have a whole mass of photos and a summary of my long holiday weekend with the family in Canada once I'm back home on Monday (oh yeah, did I mention I was going to Canada for a ski-cation?  If you keep up on Instagram, you'll have seen my many snapshots thus far.  :p).

This Thanksgiving marks my first Thanksgiving back in the States, erm, North American continent, in two years.  For that I am thankful.  I am thankful that I had the chance to live abroad last year because it led me to the experience of living abroad this year.  I am thankful for the time I spent back in the city I love, interning at Shakespeare's Globe of all places.  I am thankful to my bosses and coworkers at the Globe for all their help, support, encouragement, advice, and friendship.  I am thankful to my family for supporting me and helping me in my adventures.  I am thankful to all my friends in London, both old and new.  I am thankful to the family I feel was cultivated while I lived abroad.  I am thankful for the opportunity to have traveled solo, and to Poland, where I've always wanted to go.  I am thankful for my friends in America, mainly Boston, who were the main system of support to prevent me from being truly unhappy there this past spring.  I am thankful to the theatre department and performing arts office at my university that provided some truly amazing opportunities while there, one of which led to my Globe internship.  I am thankful to have graduated university, and with distinction!  I am thankful that this year was truly even better than last year - a feat I thought impossible.

To my friends, family, and the universe...
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