22 November 2013


I'm going to keep this short and sweet and just put out there a wish list of things for the impending yuletide celebrating in just over a month (so soon!).  So friends, Romans, countrymen... or I suppose more like sister, parents, grandparents, here are a few ideas.

one // I saw this in Topshop whilst in London and fell. in. love.  SO soft and I adore the collar!  It was difficult to not purchase it then.  Obviously still dreaming of it.

two // Been wanting white jeans for ages and have heard only good things about Old Navy Rockstars!  And they come in tall sizes, which is crucial.

three // Ditto with blue coat.  I love the minimalistic look of this one, though it is a bit pricey.. :(

four // Endless search for sand-coloured booties, and these ON ones are the best I've found.  Perfect heel height and colour.

five // Love the sheer cut-outs!  Not something I would have expected to like whilst wearing, but I tried it on and it's actually perfect.

six // Obsessed with this idea for a DIY.  I think it's a bit pricey considering it'd be pretty simple to make myself, but I love the idea!

seven // Found myself wishing I'd had this at the Seahawks game last week.  Also, it's minimal so I could wear it basically whenever and represent.  (Go Hawks!)

eight // My sister has this shirt and I've borrowed it only a million times.  'Nuff said.

nine // Mine finally died, so I threw them out before leaving London to make room in my bag.  Now I'm Converse-less and it makes me sad.

ten // This was the same situation as #5, except I already had leather shorts on my mind.  Also, I feel like they looked much better in reality than they do in the photo.

Also, does everyone like the fancy pants new title banner??  I'm in love with it.
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